Below is the financial report of incomes and expenses related to DNSCrypt Poland:

  • It encompasses last 12 months and has been prepared on OCT-28-2016.
  • Big thanks to Digital Ocean for some free credit to spend on the web/mail box.
  • It does not account for cash handed to me, I’ll do a better job recording that next year!
  • Overall balance is that all donations covered as much as 72% of the running cost.
  • Of course the remaining 28% is a net loss for me and this means I can’t yet create the Warsaw Location or bump up the RAM for cache, but it’s been pretty good.
  • And most importantly: huge thank you to everybody who donated!
 PLN Donations435,53PLN Wires
BTC Donations522,99
Digital Ocean (Credit)240In May 2016 I was granted credit (Thank you!) to spend on the web/mail server.

I paid for Digital Ocean until June and since June it’s been zero cost.

Income Sub Total1198,52
 e24cloud hosting-1214
Digital Ocean (Before Credit)-200See note about credit above
Digital Ocean (Credit)-240See note about credit above
Expenses Sub Total-1654
Grand Total-455,48